Top 10 Essential Hangover Cures

Published on 9 September 2024 at 09:25

Surviving a hangover after a stag party can be rough, but the right remedies can get you back on track quickly. Here are some effective hangover cures that will help you feel better and seize the day.

1. Hydrate! Hydrate! Hydrate!

Rule number one after a night of celebration with The Mighty Stag: drink up, and we don't mean more pints! Alcohol dehydrates you faster than you can say "cheers," leaving you with a dry mouth, pounding head, and that infamous “why did I do this?” feeling. The fix? Water, and lots of it. Kickstart your recovery with plain old H2O, or if you're really feeling it, grab a sports drink or rehydration sachet like Dioralyte to replenish those lost electrolytes.

2. Refuel with a Hearty Breakfast

A greasy fry-up can be just what you need after a night out. Packed with proteins and carbs, the combination of sausages, bacon, eggs, and black pudding can help your body recover. Eggs, in particular, contain cysteine, which aids in breaking down alcohol toxins. Pair it with toast and some avocado to replenish lost nutrients and give your body a boost.

3. Pop a Painkiller

If you're dealing with a pounding headache, an over-the-counter painkiller like ibuprofen can help. Just avoid taking it on an empty stomach to prevent irritation, be careful.

4. Vitamin Boost

Vitamin C and B-complex vitamins are depleted during heavy drinking. A supplement or foods rich in these vitamins, such as oranges or leafy greens, can speed up recovery.

5.Move a Little - Trust us

We know exercise is probably the last thing you want to think about when you’re hungover. But trust us, a bit of light movement can help shake off the cobwebs. A gentle walk outside, even for 10 minutes, can help get your blood circulating and clear your head.

This might be the perfect time for one of our stag activities. Try your luck with some footgolf or a challenge yourself with of cube games. Check out our stag activities for some inspiration.

6. Sleep it Off

Nothing beats a good nights sleep. A good night’s sleep after drinking can be tricky, thanks to alcohol messing with your sleep cycles. So, when you wake up feeling groggy, the best medicine might just be going back to bed.

If you can, take a long nap or even just lie down in a quiet room. Giving your body time to rest will do wonders for your recovery.

7. Let Ginger Settle Your Stomach

When your stomach is feeling like it’s been through the spin cycle, ginger can work wonders (and no, we're not talking about the name of a beautiful lady you might find in a gentlemans club 😜). 

It’s been a go-to remedy for nausea for centuries, and it still holds up. Sip on some ginger tea, nibble on ginger biscuits, or have a bit of real ginger ale (make sure it’s got actual ginger in it) to calm things down in there.

8. Peppermint - Your New Bestfriend

Peppermint is great for more than just fresh breath—it can actually calm an upset stomach and ease headaches too. Sip some peppermint tea or chew on some peppermint gum to settle your stomach and clear your head.

9. Skip the Hair of the Dog

You’ve probably heard the saying “hair of the dog” as a hangover remedy—basically, the idea that drinking more alcohol will help. While it might make you feel better temporarily, you’re just delaying the hangover. It’s better to let your body detox properly and stick to non-alcoholic drinks like water or juice.

10. Planning Ahead

Let’s face it—if you’re going to have another big night out, a little preparation can go a long way in preventing the worst of the hangover. Eat a good meal before you start drinking, pace yourself with alcohol, and hydrate throughout the night. Alternating between water and your drinks is one of the smartest moves you can make.


You survived the night, and now, with these hangover hacks, you’ll survive the day. Whether it’s a full Irish breakfast, a nap, or a brisk walk outside, these simple tricks will have you feeling like yourself again in no time. Here’s to celebrating without the suffering.